Editing your own account

If you need to change information for your own account, you can edit the account and make the changes. All users can edit their own accounts. Users who do not have the PRIV_ACCOUNT privilege see only their own account information when the choose Edit My Account.

If you try to edit your account at the same time as another system administrator, the software displays an error message indicating that the account has been updated or deleted by another administrator, and prevents you from saving any changes that you may have made to the account. To continue making changes to this account, you must reload the page and re-enter your changes.

To edit your administrative account

  1. Log in to the Admin console.
  2. Depending on whether you have privileges to edit other users’ accounts, do one of the following:

    • If you have privileges to edit other accounts, choose Security, choose Accounts from the navigation pane, then find your account and choose the Edit option next to the account information.
    • If you do not have privileges to edit other accounts, choose Edit My Account from the navigation pane.
  3. Complete the fields, as necessary. For more information, see Fields: Edit Account.
  4. Choose OK to save your changes, or choose Cancel to discard your changes and return to Accounts.

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